Monday, June 18, 2018

2018 - June 18 - Day 3 - Plan B

Today is still young but it feels like I’ve already been through three days.
The marine forecast was so wrong. Instead of full sun and wind from the South at 5 to 10, it was overcast and a nice breeze from the NE that helped push me on to Mobjack Bay by noon.
That’s when i stopped to check my cell service. Plan A was to stay either in the Air BnB place or yard (if it was occupied) of Dianne who runs Mobjack Kayaking - Mathews, VA. She and I had emailed a few weeks ago and I was to let her know when I got close. I had texted her yesterday and found her reply — she was out of town for unexpected reasons. I was bummed not to get to meet her and thank her in person for her advice and helpfulness.
But now I needed Plan B. Camping out at New Point Comfort beach was an option. But it was only noon and there was no shade anywhere on the Point.
Trying to push across Mobjack — at 5.5 Miles, the longest open water crossing of this trip — was an option. But the wind had shifted to blow out of the South and my next stop was 18 miles away.
As I do when I run into trouble on these trips, I called my wife, Christine Blincoe, and asked for help! She agreed to google around for another Air BnB nearby. In the meantime I paddled into the Bay headed for the Marina on Davis Creek. I hoped to find a pair of flip-flops (blew mine out yesterday) and to ask about maybe camping there.
It is a small marina. No office as far as I can tell. No staff there when I arrived either. One guy was working on his boat. I explained my problem and he gave me the number of the marina owner. I left him a message and he called back within 10 minutes to let me know the cabin on the property was mine for the night if I wanted to rent it. I was stoked and am writing this from the couch in my air conditioned cottage with a bathroom and a kitchenette!
I will spend a comfortable afternoon and evening here and plan to push South in the morning.

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