Last Tuesday evening I noticed a small red area near my
right ankle, smaller than a quarter. I thought it was a bug bite. By Wednesday evening my entire foot/ankle was
swollen and painful and there was a wide red streak going up my leg to just
past my knee. This took 24 hours.
We went to the ER and I ended up spending 5 days in the
hospital. The official diagnosis was “subcutaneaous
bacterial infection with sepsis.” I had
been tubing in the upper Potomac River two days before and that might be
related, but they are not sure what caused it to happen and we will likely never
These types of infections typically occur on the foot or
lower leg and can be very serious if not treated quickly. If you ever have a fast moving red/painful
area, take it seriously and get to a doctor or ER ASAP!!
Weeks ago, we booked a place in Avon, NC for the first week in August,
thinking at that time that I could go down ahead of the family and paddle from Avon to Ocracoke Island.
I have been home since Sunday recovering and
am progressing nicely, but I'm not ready to do long, multi-day solo trips yet. So, we shall got to Avon and if my foot and leg feel up to it, I may do a one-day paddle or two to cover some more miles. If I do end up paddling more, I'll keep posting.
Cheers, thanks for following!
That's some crazy shit! Totally sorry. I hope you get better soon!